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Integrations / commercetools

After triggering a full reindex in the tasks list, you can check the progress of an indexing operation in the Connector Debugger.

Run overview

The Runs list shows details, such as the status, the source, the destination, and a time for each run.

List of reindexing runs to index commercetools products with Algolia

Run details

Select a run from the list by clicking on its row to open the Details panel, which shows the progress and details of an individual run including:

  • The identifiers of the run and the task
  • The Status and the Outcome of the run
  • When the run has started and finished
  • A panel with records and errors details

    Run details displays the status and progress of an individual reindex run

Record/Error details

Select a record or an error in the Events panel to display more information about it.

commercetools event details

The number of products you can index depends on your Algolia subscription. If you run into Record quota exceeded errors, check your Algolia account.

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