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Api clients / Ruby / V1 / Methods

Delete API Key | Ruby API Client V1 (Deprecated)

This version of the Ruby API client has been deprecated in favor of the latest version of the Ruby API client.

Required API Key: Admin
Method signature

About this method# A

Delete an existing API Key.

Be careful not to accidentally revoke a user’s access to the Dashboard by deleting any key that grants such access. More generally: always be aware of a key’s privileges before deleting it, to avoid any unexpected consequences.

Examples# A

To delete an existing key:

// Deletes a key
$res = $client->deleteApiKey('myAPIKey');

Parameters# A

apiKey #
type: string
default: no default

API Key to delete

Response# A

In this section we document the JSON response returned by the API. Each language will encapsulate this response inside objects specific to the language and/or the implementation. So the actual type in your language might differ from what is documented.

JSON format#

  "deletedAt": "2017-12-16T22:21:31.871Z"
deletedAt #

The date at which the key was deleted.

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