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Api clients / JavaScript / V3 / Methods

Set Extra Header | JavaScript API Client V3 (Deprecated)

This version of the JavaScript API client has been deprecated in favor of the latest version of the JavaScript API client.

Required API Key: no ACL required
Method signature
client.setExtraHeader(string headerName, string headerValue)

About this method

Sends an extra http header to Algolia, for all subsequent queries.

This method allows you to send the server a specific key/value pair - that we call an extra http header, with every query. By doing this, you are giving the api an additional header that it can later use in certain situations.

Here are some headers with different use cases:

  • Setting X-Algolia-UserToken for API key rate limiting purposes.
  • Setting X-Algolia-UserToken for analytics purposes. The Analytics API uses the provided value to distinguish between end users. It takes priority over any value in X-Forwarded-For. Use this header if you need to forward the end user’s identity without relying on IP addresses.
  • Setting X-Forwarded-For for analytics purposes. If your server sends the end user’s IP along with every search, this enables analytics to distinguish between end users. Otherwise, the analytics will be based on the server IP, not giving you the detail of each user. Alternatively, see X-Algolia-UserToken below.
  • Setting X-Forwarded-For for geo purposes. This ensures that the geo search location uses the IP address of the end user, and not that of your backend server. For an example of this, see the aroundLatLngViaIP parameter.

This will eventually be replaced by the requestOptions parameter, allowing you to set the header as part of your query parameters.


$config = \Algolia\AlgoliaSearch\Config\SearchConfig::create('YourApplicationID', 'YourWriteAPIKey');
  'headerName => 'headerValue'

$client = \Algolia\AlgoliaSearch\SearchClient::createWithConfig($config);


type: string

Name of the header to add.

type: string

Value of the header to add.


No response.

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