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API Reference / API Parameters / optionalFilters
Type: list of strings
Engine default: []
Parameter syntax
'optionalFilters' => [
    ['attribute1:value', 'attribute2:value'],

Can be used in these methods:
search, browseObjects, generateSecuredApiKey, addApiKey, updateApiKey

About this parameter# A

Boost or bury records based on specific criteria, but without hiding those records.

Use optional filters to promote certain records. The boolean syntax is the same as facetFilters.

Use negative optional filters to:

  • Promote records that don’t match a filter
  • Demote records that do match a filter.

For example, to promote items that don’t belong to the books category, add a category:-Books filter.

Optional filters aren’t available on the Grow plan.

If you signed up for the Community, Essential, or Plus plans before December 15, 2018, you can only use one optional filter per query.

  • Optional filters require the Filters criterion to be in your ranking formula (as it is by default).
  • Optional filters are ignored on virtual replicas since virtual replicas solely rely on custom ranking to sort results.
  • If you’re using exhaustive sorting or sort by attribute, optional filters are applied after the sort-by criteria. You can’t use them to boost items to the top of your ranking, as sort-by always takes precedence.
  • You can’t perform numeric comparisons with optional filters.

Usage notes#


If your facet value starts the - character, you must escape it to prevent Algolia from interpreting it as a negative optional filter. For example, to add a filter for the category -movie, the negative optional filter should be category:\-movie.

Advanced queries#

Enabling advancedSyntax lets users:

  • Add double quotes around phrases in a query to specify that a record must contain that phrase.
  • Prefix a word with a minus (-) character to specify that a record must not contain that phrase.

Examples# A

Apply optional filters on a search query#

This example boosts all books written by John Doe.

$results = $index->search('query', [
  'optionalFilters' => [
    "author:John Doe"

Apply negative optional filters on a search query#

This example demotes all books written by John Doe.

$results = $index->search('query', [
  'optionalFilters' => [
    "author:-John Doe"
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