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API Reference / API Parameters / maxValuesPerFacet
Type: integer
Engine default: 100
Parameter syntax
'maxValuesPerFacet' => max_value

Can be used in these methods:
search, setSettings, browseObjects, generateSecuredApiKey, addApiKey, updateApiKey

About this parameter# A

The maximum number of facet values to return for each facet in a regular search.

To set the number of facet values returned in a regular search use maxValuesPerFacet but to set the maximum number of hits to return in a searchForFacetValues, use maxFacetHits, instead.

Usage notes#

For performance reasons, the maximum value for maxValuesPerFacet is 1,000. You can set it higher but the engine will interpret it as 1,000 .

Examples# A

Set the default number of facet values to retrieve#

For example, if an ecommerce site has 443 different phone brands, and a user searches for “phone”, this default setting will only return the top 100 brands.

  'maxValuesPerFacet' => 100

Set the maximum number of facet values for the current query#

This search setting will override the default maxValuesPerFacet but just for the current search. For example, on an ecommerce site, if a user searches for “iphone”, this setting will only return the top 20 iPhone brands.

$results = $index->search('query', [
  'maxValuesPerFacet' => 20
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