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API client / Methods / Insights

Clicked object IDs after search

Required API Key: any key with the search ACL
Method signature
$insights->user(string userToken)->clickedObjectIDsAfterSearch(
  string eventName,
  string indexName,
  array objectIDs,
  array positions,
  string queryID

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About this method # A

Send a click event related to an Algolia request.

Use this event to track when users click items in the search results. If you’re using Algolia to build your category pages, you’ll also use the clickedObjectIDsAfterSearch event.

Sending this event is useful for:

Related methods:

Examples # A

The following example sends one click event to the Algolia Insights API. The event represents a user user-123456 clicking on the item objectID-1, which is at the second position in the results from the index your_index_name

$insights = Algolia\AlgoliaSearch\InsightsClient::create(

  'Product Clicked',

Parameters # A

Parameter Description
userToken #
type: string
pattern: [A-Za-z0-9_=+/-]{1,129}

Anonymous user identifier.

See also: User Token

authenticatedUserToken #
type: string
pattern: [A-Za-z0-9_=+/-]{1,129}

Pseudonymous identifier for authenticated users.

Never include personally identifiable information in user tokens.

See also: User Token

eventName #
type: string
pattern: [\x20-\x7E]{1,64}

Name of the specific event.

Format: 1-64 ASCII characters, except control characters.

To maximize the impact of your events, use consistent event names and consistent formatting—for example, “Product Added To Cart” (always in title case).

For example, you can adopt Segment’s object-action framework.

indexName #
type: string

Name of the Algolia index.

Format: same as the index name used by the search engine.

Some API clients use index instead of indexName.

objectIDs #
type: array
items: string

List of object identifiers for items of an Algolia index.

You can include up to 20 objectID.

positions #
type: array
items: uint

Positions of the clicked objects in the search results. This property is required for click events with queryID. The first search result has a position of 1 (not 0).

You must provide one position for each objectID.

Algolia uses this parameter to calculate the average click position.

The position is absolute, and not relative, to any results page. For example, if there are 10 results per page, the position of the third record of the second results page is 13. Since page starts at 0, you can use the following formula: $positionOnPage + $page * hitsPerPage.

queryID #
type: string
pattern: [a-f0-9]{32}

Unique identifier for a search query.

A queryID is required for events related to search or browse requests.

If you add clickAnalytics: true as a search request parameter, the queryID is included in the API response.

See also: Keep track of query IDs

Response # A

This method doesn't return a response.

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